Tuesday, December 7, 2010
if you haven't seen Tangled, I highly recommend you skip your next meal/meeting/appointment/nap to do so immediately. Because, quite frankly, that'll be a far better use of your time. It's one of the best movies I've seen in a very long time, let alone one of the best Disney movies in years that isn't Pixar related. It's like a throwback to when they had their golden era with Aladdin and Beauty and the Beast and the Lion King. It's just good. It's legit GOOD. I'm gonna even call it sensational. I'm not a critic and I'm not good with words, just trust me. TRUST ME.

and if you have seen it. nevermind, you're not being reprimanded and you already understand and you're nodding your head in agreement.

i've felt this need to draw the characters since i first fell in love, but i've only been able to do this speed paint so far, from one of the most beautiful scenes from the movie:

inspired by this concept art from the film:

actually, the whole movie inspired me. i feel like i did when i started drawing because of the Lion King.


way to be, Disney.
i'll be up at all hours drawing thanks to you.

but really. thanks.